Monday, September 10, 2012

Assignments for 9/14, 9/18 and 9/21

  • Assignment for Friday, 9/14 (to be completed before class):
    • Do some Internet research on Sarah Vowell (for your own edification). 
    • Read and annotate "Shooting Dad." Bring to class three discussion points.
    • In TSIS, read and annotate Ch. 1 (pp. 19-28). Bring to class three discussion points.
      • Do Ex. 1 (pp. 28-29) in your notebook. Choose three arguments to develop. This exercise asks you to develop the missing "they say" portions of the arguments.
    • In TSIS, read and annotate Zinczenko's "Don't Blame the Eater" (pp. 195-97). Bring to class three discussion points.
      • Consider these questions:
        • How does Zinczenko's essay exemplify the ideas presented in the Introduction?
        • What writing moves does Zinczenko use?
  • Assignment for Tuesday, 9/18 (due by 11:59 p.m.):
    • Submit Essay 1, Draft 1 (E1D1) to the eCompanion Dropbox. (Specific assignment instructions to follow). Follow basic MLA format. Be sure that the file has one of the following extensions: .doc, .docx, .rtf or .odt.
  • Assignment for Friday, 9/21 (to be completed before class):
    • Print out a copy of E1D1. Bring the printout to class for peer review. (Do not wait till Friday, right before class, to print out your draft.)
    • Go to the eCompanion Webliography; find the "Gun Violence" section. Read Cillizza's and Palmer's articles; watch Stein's video. Take notes on these texts (for class discussion).
    • Print out the article "After Aurora" (also available via the Webliography, in the "Gun Violence" section). Read and annotate this text. Bring the printout to class, along with three discussion points.
    • Print out the entire "Same-Sex Marriage" argument casebook (twelve pages), located in Doc Sharing. Bring the printout to class.
    • In TSIS, read and annotate Ch. 2-3 (pp. 30-50). Bring to class three discussion points for each chapter.
      • Do Ex. 1 (p. 50). Print out and bring to class a published text. In your notebook, write responses to the exercise questions.

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